TPo Partners provides Advisory and Project Management services to CPG companies​
Advisory services around Trade Promotion Management (TPx), Revenue Growth Management (RGM) and Retail Execution projects for Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) Companies
Project Management and Functional resources to support your projects
We are the architects of your sales technology solutions
We know sales transformation projects are complex
Process are not documented
Requirements are not pragmatic
Project suffer the “Fashion” Effect
“Excel” is always a point of comparison

Hierarchies are inconsistent
Nobody owns the data
Associates lack IT culture
Good people don't stay long on projects s
We know how to navigate these caveats
We offer specific support in the different project phases
Project scoping
RFI/RFP Support
Solution & Integrator Selection
Definition of the project approach and methodology
Support in Design
Blueprint Analysis / Review
Test Plan / Test Support
Data Recovery Plan / Data Collection Support
Change management training plan / support
Solution Adoption Analysis
Simplification Recommendations
Evolution roadmap
Change management
We have specific methodologies to address each project phase